Peerview Data Insights | Benchmarking, Competitive Analysis, Data-Driven Decision-making

Warding off Stress This Tax Season

Written by Katlyn Allen | Feb 28, 2018 4:30:00 PM

Everyone says they're busy these days. It's the knee-jerk response of the centry. "How are you?" "So busy!" 

But somehow it always ends up feeling like no one could possibly be busier than you- especially as a CPA during tax season. We raise our hats to you during this time of year and we cannot imagine the kind of tension that this season brings. When you're in a fog of high demand and high stress, it can seem easier to let it take you over sometimes than it is to fight to take care of yourself mentally and physically, so we are bringing to you a list of ways to fight the stress. 

1. Drink More Water and Catch More Z's

It's tax season. You want your caffiene fed to you through an IV and you write sleep off as a minor inconvenience as you try to optimize each hour of each day. 

We get it. But if you're living this way it's time to think about working smarter, not harder. Stop guzzling the coffee and energy drinks and drink some water. Caffiene is great, but can cause you to lose focus and become more jittery than productive. With that, you should be making a real effort to get some decent sleep so that you're able to operate to your peak ability during the day. 

2. Divvy Up Your Tasks In A To-Do List 

Productive people have a plan. Drawing out a list of things that you need to accomplish each day (both for your clients and miscelaneous life tasks) helps you stay on track, keep focus, and feel less like you might be drowning. 

3. Organize Your Space

It's that easy. Get rid of those empty coffee cups. Throw away all of those cough drop wrappers. Put your papers in stacks so that it doesn't look like a tornado blew over your desk. Restoring order to your surroundings will make you feel less scatterbrained. 

4. Let Peerview Data support you. 

As you focus on tax-season tasks, why not let Peerview Data help you take over some of the other tasks that usually meet you throughout the year like consulting and advising your clients? Peerview Data enables you to quickly turn your clients' data into readable and actionable information that can help them allocate and fix pain points, strengthen weaknesses, and identify opportunities. Not to mention, with Peerview Data's new Notes feature, your team and your clients can post and share secure notes and comments within each of the individual performance reports for convenient and completely confidential communication.

Don't let the stress overwhelm you this tax season. Let Peerview Data give  you a leg up.