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Is This Why You'll Leave Your CPA?

Written by Kirk Enright | Apr 24, 2017 1:21:00 PM

If you’re like most small businesses, there’s a roughly 50 percent chance you’ll replace your CPA at some point in the next few years.


You might think that high fees, limited expertise or even bad service would be the main reason, but No. 1 on the list — cited by 72% of respondents in a survey by The Sleeter Group — was the complaint their CPA “did not give proactive advice, only reactive service.”

The irony (from our perspective, as a company that provides benchmarking & analytics tools to CPAs and knows how much more they can do) is that CPAs are in a better position than just about anyone else to provide this kind of additional value. 

So if you’re thinking of leaving your accounting firm, it might be worthwhile to ask what else your CPA can do to help your business improve its performance.


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