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Competitive Analytics

Turn Client Data Into Actionable Insights

One of the most common problems we hear from CPAs is that they have tons of client data but they can't do anything with it. Peerview Data is the first solution that allows firms to upload historical trial balances for their clients to generate meaningful analysis & reports.

Problem #1 = Data Rich, Information Poor

One of the recurring problems we hear from CPAs is that they have an excess of client data at their disposal but they can't do anything with it. The apps firms are fantastic at completing Audits or generating Tax returns, but they leave leave firms hanging when it comes to proactive solutions for improving their client's business. 

Traditional benchmarking applications haven't provided the answer either. Firms have been trying to utilize apps for 15 years or more but have grappled with the cost of inputing data when compared with the shortcomings of the reports, and ultimately have received underwhelming responses from clients.

Financial Statements & Benchmarking Meet Big Data

Peerview Data is the first solution that allows firms to upload historical trial balances for their clients to generate reports with several searchable attributes.  

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.31.24 PMKey Benefits:
  • Generate a line of sight to client data not previously available, both for all clients or filtered by Industry, Size, Region, Partner, and/or Office
  • Identify clients who are falling behind in comparison to their peers and/or are in need of help
  • Identify groups of clients struggling with similar issues and consider developing new products or services in order to better serve them
  • Develop a marketing and sales plan to get back in front of clients 

So, if you are in the position of being "Data Rich, Information Poor," why don't you consider a solution that turns that data into actionable insights for you and your clients?

To watch a brief video of how it works, Click Here

About Peerview Data
Peerview Data provides comparative analytics and benchmarking solutions to accounting firms, enabling them to improve their clients and increase their engagements. Firms can generate company SHOW ME MOREreports that provide advisors with the competitive analytics they need to optimize their clients' performance in the four areas of business that matter the most: finance, operations, marketing and human resources. Firms can also review practice reports that allow partners and practice leaders to analyze how their clients are performing, determine what products and/or services are needed, and identify the best method to get the message to their clients.

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About Peerview Data

At Peerview Data, we know you’re under pressure to provide the best advice to your clients. In order to do that you need to be able to leverage your data and put systems in place to support your growing Advisory practice. Here’s the problem: it's difficult to standardize across your firm, not all accountants are natural advisors, data is coming from several different sources, and we're often tasked with using apps that we haven't learned.

That’s why we created software that takes the frustration out of the analysis of historical financial results, provides peer benchmarks and comparative analytics, and gives you tools to consider scenarios and plan for the future. So you can get back to developing client relationships and helping them achieve their desired results. And yours!