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Better Decisions

Tools, tips, & thoughts to help you build & grow your Advisory Practice

Business Intelligence

Most Important Metrics: Quick Ratio

Quick Ratio is a powerful metric for CPAs to keep an eye on. It provides a clear picture of liquidity and the company’s ability to cover its...


Most Important Metrics: Gross Margin

A CPA’s guide to understanding and improving Gross Margin to boost client profitability, optimize costs, and strengthen your advisory services.

Planning & Forecasting

Best Metrics: Transportation and Logistics

How CPAs can enhance client advisory services in transportation and logistics and drive consulting revenue with insightful financial metrics.


The ROI of Retention

The ROI of Retention. Improve satisfaction to increase revenue.

Competitive Analytics

Get Back In Front Of Your Clients

If you've ever asked, How can we get back in front of our clients?, you're not alone. Comparative Analytics can answer that question by providing...

Competitive Analytics

Turn Client Data Into Actionable Insights

One of the most common problems we hear from CPAs is that they have tons of client data but they can't do anything with it. Peerview Data is the...