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Peerview Data Insights

The 20 Most Important Metrics In Business: Growth

PLEASE NOTE: the following is an excerpt from "20 Competitive Metrics Every Business Needs to Know," which is now available as a free download here.

Performance MetricGROWTH


Importance:  Growth is a strong indicator of product/market fit, but because it can vary significantly by industry, by year or by company life stage, it should always be benchmarked competitively.

Underlying causes/influencing factors:  

  • price
  • product
  • promotion (marketing)
  • place
  • process
  • partners (vendors, distributors, suppliers, etc.)
  • people (personnel)


Insight:  What makes a “growth problem” so hard to fix is the range of possible causes. That's why the first step is to put the problem in perspective — Is weak/stagnating/negative growth unique to the company or part of a larger, industry-wide trend? Based on that answer, the company can then use other comparative performance metrics like employee productivity, marketing efficiency, customer concentration, etc. to isolate and identify the root causes or causes, ruling out areas where company performance is on par with competitors and focusing on strengthening weaknesses.



10 Popular Growth Hacks of All Time

Amazon's Four Keys to Spectacular Revenue Growth

Four Key Factors of Top Growth Companies

Seven Steps to a Growth Strategy That Works Immediately

Top 12 Ideas for Driving Consistent Growth 



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Topics: Money People Customers Planning & Forecasting Competitive Analytics KPIs Business Performance Small Business big data