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Peerview Data Insights

How To: Cure Your FOMO

FOMO: otherwise known as the “Fear of Missing Out”, often used to describe the feeling when you hear that your friends are hanging out without you or when New Years Eve rolls around (again) and you realize that you forgot to plan anything fun to do (again) and watch enviously as your news feed floods with photos of everyone you know and their cousin having the time of their lives while you sit on your couch.

Though FOMO is usually attributed as a side effect of browsing through any form of social media, let’s talk about how FOMO can (and should!) be affecting your business.

If you are a CPA and you are not offering consulting services alongside tax or audit, you are missing out on major opportunities to drive engagements and strengthen your client relationships. If you are missing out on those, the opportunity to become an asset to your clients is also fleeting. If you haven’t established yourself as an asset, odds are that your client retention is much lower than firms who have made themselves assets.

Feel like you’re missing out yet?

Not to worry, Peerview Data is here to assist. At Peerview Data, we strive to help you create a client-centric focus for accountants through providing software with service. We provide on-site training as we help you prepare to process your clients’ data and compare it to their peers. Each of these reports are available at the firm level, practice level, and office level to better cater to the size and needs of your clientele.

We provide you with worksheets that outline red flags and recommendations for areas in need of attention. We give you the opportunity to explore the benefits of keeping your data in one place. You can filter your clients’ data by industry and year for better accuracy while creating these interactive reports. Our goal is to help you become a strategic advisor, not just a tax or audit provider.

Let us help cure your FOMO. Let us help make you an asset.

Peerview Data: Better Insights. Better Performance.

Topics: small company FOMO New Years Eve Missing out