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Peerview Data Insights

Katlyn Allen

Katlyn Allen

Recent Posts by Katlyn Allen:

Become Aware of Whether or Not You're Under-Performing or Under-Producing with Peerview Data

If you were in a boat and it had a leak, wouldn't you want to know? Of course you would. The sooner you knew that you were taking on water, depleting and damaging your resources, the sooner you could take action. The sooner you could be proactive in making sure you were doing enough to stay afloat. 

Honing Your Marketing Plans with Peerview Data 

I take the lid off my coffee cup and allow the steam to rush off the surface. I sit across the table from an old friend of mine, she’s almost seventeen years my senior, is one of those really cool and trendy young moms, and owns her own business. She’s telling me about a marketing seminar she attended recently.

Most Important Metrics: Priorities 

It's generally more efficient to be proactive than it is to do damage control. Think of any time you've found yourself stranded on the highway. You're scrambling to call a tow truck, pay the driver, find a mechanic for an emergency visit, and call your boss to say you won't be in "for a while" as you sit in a sticky waiting room and wonder just how much this guy at the counter is going to jack up your prices.

Wouldn't it have been easier to have checked the engine when the warning light came on your dash?

The same goes for your business. The Peerview Data app can help alert you to problems before "bad" gets to "worse," helping you avoid having to damage control or sop up a mess that could have been avoided. 

Giving your Clients What They Need with Peerview Data

I would venture to say that when we were younger, we all had that one distant relative who, without fail, gave us gifts that were off-putting. Ugly sweaters (before they were a novelty), itchy pajamas, toys only age-appropriate for birthdays long past, etc.

It was hard enough to grin and bear it through the initial ripping of the wrapping paper and eventually it got to the point wher you just began to dread the gifts. Why? Because they weren’t what you wanted. They didn’t suit your specific taste, needs or personality.

Pass It On: Article about "Gaining A Competitive Advantage Using Benchmarking"

Forever interested in good content, I stumbled across this article by Paint & Coatings Industry about the benefits of benchmarking within your company. If you're unsure of the necessary frequency of benchmarking, the overall benefits of benchmarking, or even on what benchmarking really is, give this article a read. Then contact Peerview Data to see how we can help your company with its data analytics and benchmarking today!

Pass It On: Article On Competitive Advantage of Using Big Data 

In a recent article we were reading, New Gen Apps lists 5 of the main competitive advantages that  big data analytics provides: 

What To Do After Tax Season

The office is quiet…eerie even. No more stacks of files. All the coffee mugs you've accumulated over the weeks are back in the break room sink. You feel a sense of relief wash over you… can it be? Is this tax season really finally over?

Most Important Metrics: Investor Index

Thinking about taking on an investor or selling your company?

As with real estate, it's important to take into consideration where you are in comparison to your competitors. Once you see where you stand, you can adjust the numbers and test which areas in your business could be improved or should be adjusted further in order to better your position in the market.

Topics: Metrics Investors investor index

Peerview Data Helps You Answer These Five Urgent Business Questions

As a company, planning out where to use your resources can be tricky. There are often questions that arise that, on your own, there’s often no way of finding the answer to without the simple method of trial and error. Trial and error, however, is a high-stake game when it comes to your business’ resources. You need answers to questions like:

Let Peerview Data take the Edge off this Tax Season

Your clients’ numbers are trickling in, the buttons on your calculator are starting to wear thin, and your phone won’t stop ringing. How long have you had that ringing sound in your ears? What day is it? How many cups of coffee have you had now? Does it matter? Nope. It's tax season.