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Peerview Data Insights

Pass It On: Article from Chron on What Accountants Do For Small Businesses

When we talk to businesses who are not currently utilizing the services of an accountant within their business, their reasoning tends to boil down to one thing: most of them have no idea about the further benefits that accountants can bring to the table other than simple tax services during tax season.

Climbing Ladders, Eating an Elephant, and Improving Your Company 

When you started your company you thought you knew what to do. You figured using the y method of achieving x would bring you success. You pursued every method you thought might work for a year or two and now you might be looking at the state of your company and wondering how on earth you got here.

Small Business Clients, Big Demand

When it comes to people’s finances, there’s a general weight that's brought to the conversation because money does make much of the world go ‘round. This weight is present certainly when dealing with people’s personal finances but also when dealing with their business and livelihood. As an accountant, your clients rely on you to help them protect what they’ve worked to build.

Pass It On: Angie's List article On Why You Should Hire An Accountant

We know in the digital age there is a sense of urgency to try to do everything yourself. Many business owners especially small business owners — find themselves unwilling or unable to share responsibilities with those who aren't directly in their business. 

The ROI of Big Data, Analytics & Benchmarking #36


Topics: Analytics big data Accounting Software Benchmarking CPAs Accounting Trends AICPA Accountants Competition ROI

Practice Leader: "How Can You Make Me a Better Accountant?

I was recently asked by a practice leader at a top 100 firm in the Midwest, “How can you make me a better accountant?”

My response was, “I probably can’t.”

He was a little taken back by my answer. I’m pretty sure he expected me to sell harder to try to win him over.

I went on to explain, “You asking me how I can make you a better accountant is like George Brett asking the hitting coach how he can make him a better hitter.

Topics: Managing Partner Practice Leader

Nurturing and Growth with Peerview Data 

Spring has sprung! Flowers are starting to bud, the temperatures have (semi-consistently) started to rise, and the grass is turning green again. New beginnings and growth are everywhere.

Most Important Metrics: Quick Ratio

Sometimes it's necessary to look at the "what-if" factors in a situation. While we don't recommend indulging in this thought process while boarding an airplane, it's a good idea to consider some scenarios when it comes to your business.

Why Personally Taking on Every New Tech Update is a Waste of Time

The world is constantly changing, especially in the world of technology. While trying to manage your business it can be hard to find the time (or to even want) to learn all the things you need to know to track and analyze your company’s data. You have other responsibilities and concerns on your mind, employees to tend to, clients to communicate with. In all honesty, managing the constant technological advances that are forever making themselves available shouldn't have to be on your radar. 

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